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2002 Honda RS250R - F16 Ignition Coil / Wire Harness

Ignition Coil / Regulator Rectifier / Wire Harness Parts for a 2002 Honda RS250 Technical Sports One, LLC

This image is the property and copyright of Honda Racing Corporation.

Ref Part Number Description Qty Req Qty 1 Price Buy
1 22872-NF5-760 BAND,200 (se) 1 0.00
2 30411-NX5-790 COUPLER POWER JET MODE 1 (NO WIRE) 1 29.60
30412-NX5-790 COUPLER POWER JET MODE 2 (BLUE) (se) (1) 29.60
30414-NXA-000 COUPLER MAP 4 (se) (1) 38.15
3 30510-NX5-701 COIL COMP, IGNITION A (se) 1 185.80
4 30520-NX5-701 COIL COMP, IGNITION B (se) 1 185.80
5 30700-NX5-003 CAP ASSY NOISE (SUPPRESSOR) 2 86.00
6 31600-NX5-791 UNIT ASSY, REGULATOR/RECTIFIER (se) 1 0.00
7 32100-NXA-610 HARNESS, MAIN WIRE (se) 1 0.00
8 90197-MN5-000 BOLT, FLANGE (5x20) 4 1.80
9 90652-ND5-000 TY-WRAP (2.4x92) 2 0.85
10 91058-MG9-681 BAND, SELF-LOCK (4.5x185) 1 2.15
11 96300-06016-00 BOLT, FLANGE (6x16) 1 0.55